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Punjab Revenue Authority jobs are updated here on / daily from Monday to Sunday. Our dedicated team update all new Punjab Revenue Authority PRA jobs ads from Roznama Jang, Express, Nawaiwaqt and Dawn newspapers daily in 2024

Jobs Opportunity In Punjab Revenue Authority 2024. Paperpk Provide All Latest Jobs Ads In Punjab Revenue Authority. Several expert studies have been conducted by both national and international subject specialists on the taxation system of Punjab. In all these studies, quick modernization of the Punjab’s tax system has been forcefully emphasized. Instead of multi-institutional tax administrations, a uni-hand tax management has been recommended. Punjab Revenue Authority is a product of such specialist recommendations. The Provincial Assembly of Punjab has enacted the Punjab Revenue Authority Act, 2012. PRA will work as a neutral tax law enforcement agency ensuring that government’s due tax share in economic activities is reaped to the optimal level. But meanwhile it will make its best efforts to create & maintain a wise balance between tax enforcement & tax facilitation. PRA is a body corporate having perpetual succession & a common seal. It is headed by a Chairperson appointed by the Chief Minister on the basis of professional qualifications. Under the Chairperson are not less than four Members & a Secretary. Work distribution is on functional lines. Subject specialization is one of the main considerations for selection of Members & other officers or functionaries of PRA. Punjab Government has contracted arrangements with Pakistan Revenue Automation Ltd (PRAL) to provide information technology (IT) support to PRA during its formative phase. PRA intends to make appropriate investments to develop its own IT capacity to serve its taxpayers in due course.

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Paperpk Provide All Latest Jobs Ads In Punjab Revenue Authority.PRA intends to make appropriate investments to develop its own IT capacity to serve its taxpayers in due course.

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Punjab Revenue Authority Mansion 5-B, Danepur Road, GOR-1, Lahore Pakistan

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Punjab Revenue Authority

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